Here is the list of available projects for Palestinian students. For a description and more information on the project, see this page. If you’re interested in submitting a proposal, send it to!
Dr. Khalid Adarbeh, An-Njah National University, Absorbing prime-like Generalizations of prime ideals
Tarik Aougab, Haverford College, Counting and identifying trace polynomials
Marco Baity-Jesi, Eawag ETH, Zurich, Long-time dynamics in toy models of disordered systems
Munther Dahleh and Mardavij Roozbehani, Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS), EECS, Deep Q-Networks for Automated Irrigation and Fertilization Control
Maria Jose Lera, Sevilla University, Educational psychology and resilience
Mohamed-Lamine Messai, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Graph modeling of log files for attack detections in IoT networks
Haynes Miller, MIT, New directions in homological algebra
Yousef Najajreh, Anticancer Drugs Research, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Quds University, Artificial Intelligence (AI) En route for Optimized Discovery of Drugs
Reham Khalaf-Nazzal, Biomedical Sciences Department, Faculty of Medicine, Arab American University, Homology modeling and functional impact of a novel missense variant in the N-terminus of the TECPR2 protein
Franz-Josef Ulm, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, MIT, Graph-Mapping of Crowdsourced Road- and Traffic Properties for Mobility and Infrastructure Management
Bassam Younis, University of California, Davis, Computation of flow in an open channel
Tarik Aougab, Haverford College, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Metric graphs
Steven Neshyba, University of Puget Sound, Chemistry Department, Modeling the surface of ice
Iqra Altaf, University of Chicago, Department of Mathematics, Problems in analysis