“[H]igher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit”, states article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948. We, “Scientists for Palestine”, the organisers of the first Palestinian Advanced Physics School, embrace the declaration of human rights. It is then with deep regret that we note that the right to education has again been violated by the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
The Palestinian Advanced Physics School, held at the Arab American University in Jenin and attended by roughly thirty Masters students from four Palestinian universities on the West Bank, included lecturers from world-leading international scientists, problem solving sessions and tutorials. The school was regarded as a major success by the attending students, lecturers and organisers alike, yet we regret that a highly merited student from Gaza, accepted to the school, was not granted permission by the occupation to travel to Jenin and attend the school — a clear violation of this student’s human rights.
Despite the hardships caused by the occupation, science in Palestine continues to grow and strengthen its international connections. Scientists for Palestine will be proud to continue to support this development.